
Adobe Lightroom CC 2015.12 / 6.12 Released

Adobe Lightroom 6

Lightroom CC 2015.12 / Lightroom 6.12 is now available. The goal of this release is to provide additional camera raw support, lens profile support and address bugs present in previous releases of Lightroom.

Issues fixed in this release of Lightroom
  • Restriction on exporting a catalog with dots in the filename.
  • HSL Target Adjustment tool erratic behavior.
  • Issue adding more than one line of text using identity plate in Print module.
  • Navigator preview pane shows wrong photo.
  • The inability to use larger sample sizes with the White Balance Eyedropper tool.
  • Image “blinks” when toggling between “Before Only” and “After only” views in Develop module.
  • SDK LrDevelopController no longer works with ToneCurve PV 2012 Settings.
  • Export from DNG to JPG for Flickr results in an error.
  • GPS data from iPhone video not captured.
  • iPhone video capture time is shifted upon import.
  • Moving files causing erratic deletion of files.
  • Filmstrip covers/overlaps filter and breadcrumb bar.
  • Map module flashing “map offline”.
Supported Camera & Lens:
Download Link :  Windows | Mac